"He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. We are of the earth, and we speak of earthly things, but He has come from heaven and is greater than anyone else. He testifies about what he has seen and heard, but how few believe in what he tells them! Anyone who accepts his testimony can confirm that God is true. For he is sent by God. He speaks God's words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit. The Father loves his Son and has put everything into his hands. And anyone who believes in God's Son has eternal life. Anyone who doesn't obey the Son will never experience eternal life but remains under God's angry judgment."
John 4:31-36
God Will Finish What He Started
The moment God put a dream in your heart, the moment the promise took root, God not only started it, but He set a completion date. God is called the Author and the Finisher of our Faith. God wouldn't have given you the dream, the promise wouldn't have come alive, if He didn't already have a plan to bring it to pass.
It doesn't matter how long it's been or how impossible it looks. Your mind may tell you it's too late. You've missed too many opportunities. It's never going to happen. "No," God is saying, "it's not over. I have the final say. I've already set the completion date." If you will stay in faith and not talk yourself out of it, it's just a matter of time before it comes to pass.
The Creator of the universe has already set the completion date. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it's not going to happen. God has already lined up the right people, the right breaks, the right answers. Everything you need is already in your future. Now, shake off the doubt, shake off the discouragement. Whether it's been a year, five years, or fifty years, what God has promised you He still has every intention of bringing it to pass.
You need to get ready. God will complete your incompletions. You will not go to your grave without seeing your dreams come to pass - even the secret petitions of your heart. It may seem impossible, but remember, our God is all-powerful. He spoke the worlds into existence, and He has you in the palm of His hand.
God did not create you to be average, to drag through life unfulfilled or unrewarded. He created you to do something amazing. He's put seeds of greatness on the inside. He's whispered things to you in the middle of the night that may seem too big, far out, impossible. But God is saying "That was My voice. That's My dream for your life. It's bigger, it's more rewarding." It may look impossible, but if you'll stay in faith, everything God promised you will come to fulfillment.
Life will try to push you down, steal your dreams, and talk you into settling for mediocrity. But I want you to have this new attitude and believe that whatever God started in your life, He will finish. Understand that God not only remembers you, He remembers the promise He put in you."
Here's how the Scripture puts it: "Be confident of this: he that began a good work in you will bring it to completion." God is saying to you that He will complete your incompletions. He remembers the dreams He placed in your heart. He has lined up the right people, and the right opportunities. It's not too late. You haven't missed too many opportunities. You haven't made too many mistakes. Get your fire back. Get your passion back. Things have shifted in your favor. God is going to finish what He started.
Now do your part and break out of anything holding you back. Pray God-sized prayers. Don't settle for good enough. Yes is in your future. Move forward in faith, and your seeds of greatness will take root. You will go beyond your barriers and become everything God created you to be, and you will have everything He intended you to have.
Joel Osteen
" You have not because you asked not."
James 4:2-3
Matthew 6:33
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you.
Matthew 6:19-34 is our Lord's definitive teaching about the sin of worry.
1) Worry indicates a defective value system (Matt. 6:19-25). There are more important issues than food, clothing, houses, and entertainment. 2) Worry indicates a defective self image (Matt. 6:26). We're more valuable than anything else God has made, including the birds of the air. 3) Worry indicates a defective way of thinking (Matt. 6:27). Anxiety doesn't add one hour to our lives or one cubit to our height. It's a useless exercise and and inefficient way of thinking. 4) Worry indicates a defective trust in God (Matt. 6:28-30). Faith is the ability to maintain inner strength by trusting in the promises of God amid the problems of life. We shouldn't fall into the "you of little faith" camp. 5) Worry indicates a defective purpose in life (Matt. 6:31-33). If we take care of things that are important to God, He'll take care of things that are important to us. 6) Anxiety indicates a defective view of tomorrow (Matt. 6:34). In this verses Jesus specifically tells us to deal with today's issues and don't worry about tomorrow's.
I am your strength and shield. I continually work - sometimes in wondrous ways - to invigorate you and protect you. The more fully you trust in Me, the more your heart can leap for Joy!
I want you to trust Me wholeheartedly -- resting in My sovereign control over the universe. When circumstances seem to be spinning out of control, grab onto Me, believing that I know what I'm doing. I orchestrate every event of your life to benefit you in this world and the next.
While you are in the throes of adversity, your greatest challenge is to keep on trusting that I am both sovereign and good. Do not expect to understand My ways; for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways and thoughts higher than yours. When you respond to trouble with thanksgiving -- convinced that I can bring good out of the most difficult situations -- I am pleased. This act of faith encourages you and glorifies Me. I rejoice when My struggling children give thanks to Me in song!
Psalm 28:7; Psalm 18:1-2;
The decisions we make today don’t simply affect ourselves; they affect our children and our children’s children for multiple generations. According to the Bible, your family's bad habits and decisions could haunt you for generations. So be careful not to pass down bad addictions, negative mindsets or any other type of iniquity.
Prior events, choices, decisions, and experiences influence who we are today. We should recognize how they can be both beneficial and detrimental and ultimately they could shape our current and future state in life.
We should strive to improve the world we live in while considering the long-term effects of our actions. This is why it's so important to have a grand vision, and work hard to turn that vision into reality. Instead of focusing on ourselves we really should be considering the impact our choices will have on generations to come. We have the opportunity to leave our family line better off than they were before. So, try to take a step back and think beyond today – it'll help make life easier for people who come after you!
You may be struggling in certain areas right now because people who came before you made poor decisions. Our choices often have far reaching ramifications, and by looking at our family tree, you can usually trace them all the way back. Acknowledge what has transpired, but don't resign yourself to it. You can be the one to stop the curse and instead become the blessing for generations to come.
The issues that we don’t overcome will be passed down to the next generation and perhaps generations to follow. None of us lives or dies to ourselves. A person’s good and bad habits as well as their good and poor choices - the addictions, the adultery, depression, bad attitudes, and wrong mind-sets- all are passed down to future generations and will continue to haunt for generation after generation until someone reverses the trend.
The good news is that we all have the ability and power to make changes and good decisions and to resist temptation. Every time we honor God, and we do the right thing, not only are we going to come up higher ourselves, but we’re going to make it easier on the generations that will come after us. Every time we follow God's wishes, we become better people and our future generations will be better for it.
Every single one of us has a spiritual bank account. Our behavior dictates our wealth in this regard; good deeds bring great returns while bad doings lead to negative returns. Equity refers to any positive attributes, such as integrity, determination or godliness. Conversely, inequity encompasses our worst traits like addictions, a narrow-minded attitude and selfishness. These elements – positive and negative – will all be passed down to future generations. We all have the ability to change our course, if needed, to make good choices, and to strive for more than just mediocrity or even worse.
When we strive to live our life with purpose, passion, and integrity, it can leave a path of goodness for future generations to enjoy. The effort we're investing today will gradually lead future generations to greater success and significance and leave our family line better off than they were before. All of our choices can make it easier on those who come after us.
Intergenerational connections are incredibly powerful. Not only do generations carry around the burden of curses, but they also benefit from blessings - something we must be mindful of. What we do today will have a lasting impact on the lives of future generations. We are laying the groundwork for their future and for the development of our familial tree. So, every action we take is incredibly important!
You should strive for excellence each day and put in your best efforts. If something is keeping you from achieving your full potential, make sure to take the necessary steps to improve your circumstances. Through living a life of obedience and faith, you can not only reach heights far above than those without it, but you can leave a legacy of blessings and favor for your descendants for up to one thousand generations. God has promised this if you will do that.
> If you make somebody else's day, God will make yours.
> Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” - The backbone of 4:13 Inspired Coffee, LLC
> Just before Paul says, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength,” he recounts some of the different circumstances he’s found himself in: he’s been hungry and well-fed, he’s been in need and he’s been well off, and he’s learned to be content, no matter what the circumstances are.
He’s saying that no matter what your circumstances are, you can learn to be content. How does he know? Because he’s tested it, and he’s proved it. How does he do it? That’s where verse 13 comes in.
In context, “I can do all things” is the ministry that God has sent Paul to do. He can persevere, share the gospel, and be content in any situation. Not on his own, but through Christ who strengthens him.